
Outing With Photographer Crew

10:10 AM

:) i almost forgot to upload this to blog. This month, we photographer crew (jia thoong, james, adill, jayanathi, Mr.Syawal and Mr.Rusdi) and my model Yazmin a.k.a Gunz Trilogy going outing at Art Market near Petaling Street. This outing is more like having fun to take a photo. By the way, this is first time im go outing for group photoshoot and actually when we arrive to Art Marker, Mr.Rusdi give us task to find the Line, Movement, Shadow, Pattern and Reflection. As you know im still rookie level so my photo looked so bad but im still learning how to make a better photo and better quality of photo.

Ok, From here I show all my photo on that time when we all outing. This is Line if you all can see.

Ok, This is shadow and actually i dont know to snapping shadow but still learning

This is reflection. This is first time I try to find these element to make better photo.

Ok this is pattern, I try to looking interesting pattern or simple pattern but hard to find. Maybe on that time im still confused to shooting what exactly photo i have to shoot

And the last one is Movement. This movement i made it and did it because my first assignment of digital photography i cant do it but after i learn how to do, its really fun to learn photography.

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